Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011 Iqaluit

I walked to Apex along the path that overlooks Frobisher Bay. It starts at the graveyard and winds through meadows and boulders. Sometimes I lost the trail but it was pretty easy to find. It ended in Apex by the old Hudson Bay Buildings.
There are four old buildings and the old red boat there. The tide was far out and hence the seaweed. There are very small shrimp in the low tide that the birds eat. Although I did not see any birds. The tide was out for the whole walk so today I wanted to get some photos of Frobisher Bay with the tide in. 
I walked up the hill past the Frobisher Inn and took most of the photos from that vantage point.
An art college has some Innukshuks in front of it:

On my way up the hill I passed the Hospital which has a long curving wall on the drive up to it and on one of our walks we saw the artists painting part of it. This is what it looks like now:
Here is a closer look of the newest part of it:
We spoke with one of the artists last week and he said that they were commemorating a young woman and her five children who were killed (murdered I think).

I did get some photos of the tide in on Frobisher Bay:
This shows the territorial flower, the saxifrage, the tundra and a bit of the Bay

A view from higher up and then a view from the beach (by this time the tide was going out):

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