Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 20-21, 2011

Working on files for Kugluktuk (formerly Coppermine). Have been swimming twice at noon at the pool at the Frobisher Inn. Only 4 people (including me) there and so you have lots of the pool to yourself. Very nice. 
Yesterday my roommate from Halifax arrived and we went to the bar at the Frobisher to meet the articling student, Leah,  and her husband on wings night.. Very busy pub and you have to check your coats. Wings were 'hot' and good. 
Today we walked at noon and talked to the people doing the art on the wall by the hospital. For some reason my camera would not work (sure nothing to do with the operator) so will have to go back tomorrow and take a photo. Then Leah and her husband took us to Sylvia Grinnell park and we took some photos:
Some people camp there in the summer:
Lea and her husband walked 45 minutes to somewhere in the park last weekend with their dogs to attend a pig roast. The pig was flown into Iqaluit. Then they were given a ride home on an ATV.
After seeing some of the park including these lovely falls:
we drove up the road to Nowhere and saw these lovely flowers:
Then we drove to Apex where some old Hudson Bay Buildings are still standing and looked at how far out the tide was:
The tide is one of the biggest tides in the world:
We met a group of people for a lovely meal at the Discovery Inn. 
Tomorrow need to finish up the files, pack and then fly out to Yellowknife at the end of the day. The following day we fly to Kugluktuk where we hope someone will take us down the Coppermine River to Bloody Falls. 
I have the lights on but it is not totally dark. Saw a lovely rainbow on the way home tonight because an Inuit woman pointed it out to us - very nice of her as it was behind us and we would have missed it altogether. 

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